Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Fresh Start

After a long time, I have decided I am going to write again. It has been a long time since I let my mind wander and my creative juice flowing. It's been a long time since I've written anything worth reading. Like always, I have a lot in my mind and there are things I want to share but decided not to. Some things are better left unsaid. I always believe that.

When i came here in Cebu my goal is to make a fresh start. I wanted to start from the beginning, from scratch and see what I can make out of my life. I can see a lot of difference. Here i have a different perspective, I have a more defined goal, I can actually see a future for me.

I refuse to submit to my laziness and lose my chance to prove myself. I will strive so hard to achieve my goals and make sure that this time I get things right.

2 blabblers:

mafhel said...

I admired your strength and perseverance to handle thing that are uncontrollable. How i wish i have also the gift of words like you. I tried to be a blogger once due to may husband desire since he has his own blog for years already but the thing is blogging is not for me.
Well, moving on in my life together with our son who is turning 2years old next month gives me such pain (i cant find a word to describe the pain that my husband did to me) anyway, enough of myself. Just be strong and follow GOD's plan for you but do not rely on your own understanding. I will share to you a chant for happiness and peace of mind. "Nam myoho renge kyo" said it with conviction and repeatedly into your mind whenever you feel lonely and sad or you wish something.
Enjoy your passion and touch lives.

just.aian said...

Thank you for such kind words. It means a lot. I can't imagine what kind of pain you had to go through but I am sure you will find the strength to be happy again.
Be strong and be happy! Life is short...

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