Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Love that Guy...

I love that guy who makes me smile when nothing is funny.
I love that guy who can calm me down when I am mad.
I love that guy who makes me comfortable being myself.
I love that guy who knows I'm useless but loves me anyway.
I love that guy who doesn't ask me to stay home just because he wants me to stay home.
I love that guy who respects my freedom.
I love that guy who doesn't display affection in public but whose affection you can never question.
I love that guy who can be honest enough to tell me that I'm being unreasonable.
I love that guy who is brave enough to admit his feelings and doesn't go around pretending that he's fine when he is not.
I love that guy who can tell me that I am wrong without making me feel like I'm a five year old.
I love that guy who can tolerate my inner five year old.
I love that guy who does things he says he will do.
I love that guy who respects me enough to tell me honestly when he doesn't like me and doesn't pretend that he does just to make me feel okay.
I love that guy who doesn't make me feel like I don't exist.
I love that guy who can be sweet without being overly attached.
I love that guy who doesn't embarrass me with his affections.
I love that guy who can love me without smothering me to a point of near suicide.
I love that guy who doesn't pretend to be good just to get my attention but is really good inside even when no one is watching.
I love that guy who can defend/protect me but I love most that guy who can teach me how to defend myself.
I love that guy who hugs me everyday.
I love that guy who can cry and doesn't get embarrassed with it.
I love that guy who makes me feel safe.
I love that guy who gives me a reason to smile.
I love a smart guy who doesn't make me feel stupid.
I love that guy who brings out the silliest, craziest, stupidest thing in me and doesn't freak out when he sees it.
I love that guy who can decide for himself but doesn't make a decision in my behalf.
I love that guy who knows how to carry himself regardless of the situation.
I love that guy who doesn't judge me based on the mistakes I made.
I love that guy who doesn't assume things about me.
I love that guy who is not afraid to say NO.
I love that guy who reads this, doesn't laugh, doesn't freak out and doesn't call me silly. (and doesn't call me weird too...ever.)

I would love that guy.... if only he exists.

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