Saturday, December 1, 2012

Welcome to the World of the Temporarily Unemployed!


Effective today, I am no longer a part of Convergys. Effective today, I leave behind one of the biggest companies in the country. Effective today, I am unemployed.

Well, not really since I also have another job waiting for me in some other part of the country. Let's say I am in purgatory, waiting if I will be sent to heaven or hell. I vote for heaven of course but who's to say? Only time can tell if I made the right the decision.

I have a lot of things to do and I believe time is not enough for me to do everything. I want to enjoy the two weeks of being able to sleep when I want to and wake up whenever I want to. I want to enjoy the two weeks of no responsibility, the two weeks of rest and enjoyment.

Convergys is the first BPO and the first company I have ever worked for and it has taught me a lot. It gave me the opportunity to do things I've always wanted to do. It gave me financial security and freedom. It gave me my dreams. I will always treasure the things I learned from this company. It is, in truth, one of the best companies in the country.

Today, I am living a new life. Probably not entirely new and different from what my life was yesterday but still, a different life. A new life in a new city. New opportunity to grow. New opportunity to correct  the mistakes. New opportunity to succeed. A second leash at life.

I don't know what my life will be like when I start in my new job. I don't know what the culture will be like and what the people will be like. One thing is certain, I will remain true to myself. If I have to change anything in me, I will change it because I know it is something that hinders my growth but not because people are telling me to change. I will work as hard as I did before. I  will focus on my dreams and the dreams of the people who believe in me. I will strive to be happy. I will strive to make people happy. I will change what needs to be changed (and there are a lot). I will be open to new possibilities and will accept things as they come. I will learn to live one day at a time and enjoy the moment while it last. I will strive to make myself and my life better.

Today, is the start of a new day. Whatever happens after today, I will be strong. This time, it will be different. This time, I will make things right.

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